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My travels

Tallinn top 10 sites you must see

The times we had… stands on the side of a pink house with the inscription in Tallinn’s old town. These words describe almost the best this picturesque small town, which celebrates its...

Helsinki, gateway of the Baltics

The Finnish capital gained many notable adjectives in the past few years’ surveys. Like it’s the 9th most liveable city on the earth. Or the most honest city, which I don’t know what it means...

Blue Sudan

Sudan, with its infrastructure and support services provided mainly for a very few tourists and divers, represents the “more romantic” side of diving in the Red Sea. Those who are brave...

Sudan beyond the never-ending seas

How did I end up in Africa’s once largest country, which from time to time is the site of protests and bloody wars? Moreover, it is an ongoing player in the list of countries supporting...

Top 10 attractions to see in Malta

There is a famous Maltese saying, Fejn tħobb il-qalb jimxu r-riġlejn. The foot goes where the heart pulls. As part of this sign, I took a short trip to this tiny island, which is not only interesting...

Gozo, the island of joy

It is said that anyone who has not seen the island of Gozo has seen nothing in Malta. I would argue with that, but the fact Gozo, called an island of joy, is one of the pearls of the Mediterranean. I...

plitvicei tavak télen

Plitvice Lakes and the frozen world

With March 21, spring officially begins and for all and nature starts its conquering green journey. As a winter ousting, I brought you the story of a short trip to Plitvice, where the ice was still...